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Registration for Challange
This is my registration for the challange in "Informationstechnik und Automatisierungstechnik".
Information Gathering
Overview: https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/sports
Pictograms: https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/the-games/the-brand/pictograms
API Request for Archery Data (replace ARC with other short from table below for different disciplines):
await (await fetch("https://sph-s-api.olympics.com/summer/schedules/api/ENG/schedule/discipline/ARC", {
"method": "GET",
NOTE: You can switch between API and mock data in "src/api/OlympicsAPI.h" with the defined value "USE_API_REQUEST".
Table for discipline short names from the IOC (International Olympics Comittee):
Sport | Short |
AquaticsArtisticSwimming | SWA |
AquaticsDiving | DIV |
AquaticsMarathonSwimming | OWS |
AquaticsSwimming | SWM |
AquaticsWaterPolo | WPO |
Archery | ARC |
Athletics | ATH |
Badminton | BDM |
Basketball3v3 | BK3 |
Basketball | BKB |
Boxing | BOX |
Breaking | BKG |
CanoeingSprint | CSP |
CanoeingSlalom | CSL |
CyclingBMXFreestyle | BMF |
CyclingBMXRacing | BMX |
CyclingMaountainBike | MTB |
CyclingRoad | CRD |
CyclingTrack | CTR |
EquestrianDressage | EDR |
EquestrianEventing | EVE |
EquestrianJumping | EJP |
Fencing | FEN |
FieldHockey | HOC |
Football | FBL |
Golf | GLF |
GymnasticsArtistic | GAR |
GymnasticsRhythmic | GRY |
GymnasticsTrampoline | GTR |
HandballIndoor | HBL |
Judo | JUD |
ModernPentathlon | MPN |
Rowing | ROW |
Rugby7 | RU7 |
Sailing | SAL |
Shooting | SHO |
Skateboarding | SKB |
SportClimbing | CLB |
Surfing | SRF |
TableTennis | TTE |
Taekwondo | TKW |
Tennis | TEN |
Triathlon | TRI |
VolleyballBeach | VBV |
VolleyballIndoor | VVO |
Weightlifting | WLF |
WrestlingFreestyle | WRE |
WrestlingGrecoRoman | WRG |
Sport Specifics
- rules: https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/sports/archery
- explanation: https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/paris-2024-summer-olympics/olympics-archery-rules-events-history/3783592/
- competition schedule: https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/schedule/archery
- participating nations/athletes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archery_at_the_2024_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Qualification