36 lines
1.5 KiB
36 lines
1.5 KiB
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\tikzset{focus/.style={rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 0.5cm, rounded corners, draw}};
\tikzset{hyperfocus/.style={rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 0.5cm, draw}};
\node[hyperfocus, text width = 2.6cm, fill = green!25](s){Synchronisations-\\\quad \quad Server};
\node[focus, left = 3cm of s, text width = 3.1cm, orange](p1){\quad \underline{p1:Podcatcher}
\item Abonnements
\item Hörfortschritt
\node[focus, above = 1.8cm of s, orange](p2){p2};
\node[focus, right = 2.5cm of s, orange](p3){p3};
\node[below = 1.7cm of s](p4){\textbf{...}};
\umlactor[left = 2.7cm of p2, blue!60]{Benutzer};
\draw[] (p1) -- (s);
\draw[] (p2) -- (s);
\draw[] (s) -- (p3);
\draw[] (s) -- (p4);
\path [line, thick, blue!60] (Benutzer) -- node [text width=2.5cm, midway, above=0.1cm, align=center] {Podcast abonnieren} (p2);
\path [line, thick, blue!60] (Benutzer) -| node [text width=2.5cm, midway, above=0.1cm, align=center] {Episode anhören} (p1);
\end{frame} |