60 lines
1.6 KiB
60 lines
1.6 KiB
#import "kit-slides.typ": *
#show: kit-theme.with(
title: [A KIT Presentation],
subtitle: [Created using Typst and kit-slides],
author: [Gero Beckmann],
short-title: [Gruppe 15],
// group-logo: image("Path to your group's logo"),
date: [14. Januar 2024],
language: "en",
institute: [Mobile Computing und Internet der Dinge],
show-page-count: false,
#set rect(stroke: gray)
#set text(size: 8pt)
// #slide(title: [Sense the Rhythm #h(8pt)#text(fill: gray, "Flutter App")])[
#heading([Sense the Rhythm #h(8pt)#text(fill: gray, "Flutter App")])
Rhythm game where you have to headbang in the right direction to hit the notes.
columns: (2fr, 3fr),
column-gutter: 5pt,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
column-gutter: 5pt,
#set block(above: 0.4em) // Slightly reduce the block spacing, so we can fit 4 blocks on a page
#kit-info-block(title: image(height: 22pt, "assets/stepmania.png"))[
// #set text(size: 14pt)
- Open source rhythm game
- Save selected directory persistently
- Parser for simfiles to read note data and metadata
- Audio player for music
#kit-example-block(title: [ESense Earable])[
#grid(columns: (1fr, 1fr),
// #set text(size: 14pt)
- Read gyroscope data
- Sum up $deg/s$ to get \ real angle
- Hit/Miss if angle in range
- Play/Pause with button