
167 lines
5.2 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:esense_flutter/esense.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
import 'package:sense_the_rhythm/models/arrow_direction.dart';
import 'package:sense_the_rhythm/models/input_direction.dart';
class ESenseInput {
static final instance = ESenseInput._();
ESenseManager eSenseManager = ESenseManager('unknown');
ValueNotifier<String> deviceStatus = ValueNotifier('Disconnected');
StreamSubscription? subscription;
String eSenseDeviceName = '';
bool connected = false;
bool sampling = false;
int sampleRate = 20;
InputDirection inputDirection = InputDirection();
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int z = 0;
ESenseInput._() {
Future<void> _askForPermissions() async {
if (!Platform.isAndroid && !Platform.isIOS) return;
if (!(await Permission.bluetoothScan.request().isGranted &&
await Permission.bluetoothConnect.request().isGranted &&
await Permission.bluetooth.request().isGranted)) {
'WARNING - no permission to use Bluetooth granted. Cannot access eSense device.');
// for some strange reason, Android requires permission to location for Bluetooth to work.....?
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
if (!(await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request().isGranted)) {
'WARNING - no permission to access location granted. Cannot access eSense device.');
void _listenToESense() {
// if you want to get the connection events when connecting,
// set up the listener BEFORE connecting...
eSenseManager.connectionEvents.listen((event) {
print('CONNECTION event: $event');
// when we're connected to the eSense device, we can start listening to events from it
// if (event.type == ConnectionType.connected) _listenToESenseEvents();
connected = false;
switch (event.type) {
case ConnectionType.connected:
deviceStatus.value = 'Connected';
connected = true;
case ConnectionType.unknown:
deviceStatus.value = 'Unknown';
case ConnectionType.disconnected:
deviceStatus.value = 'Disconnected';
sampling = false;
case ConnectionType.device_found:
deviceStatus.value = 'Device_found';
case ConnectionType.device_not_found:
deviceStatus.value = 'Device_not_found';
Stream<ButtonEventChanged> buttonEvents() {
return eSenseManager.eSenseEvents
.where((event) => event.runtimeType == ButtonEventChanged)
void _startListenToSensorEvents() async {
// // any changes to the sampling frequency must be done BEFORE listening to sensor events
print('setting sampling frequency...');
bool successs = await eSenseManager.setSamplingRate(sampleRate);
if (successs) {
print('setSamplingRate success');
} else {
print('setSamplingRate fail');
// subscribe to sensor event from the eSense device
subscription = eSenseManager.sensorEvents.listen((event) {
// print('SENSOR event: $event');
if (event.gyro != null) {
sampling = true;
void _pauseListenToSensorEvents() async {
sampling = false;
void _parseGyroData(List<int> data) {
// Float value in deg/s = Gyro value / Gyro scale factor
// The default configuration is +- 500deg/s for the gyroscope.
x = (x + (15 * data[0] ~/ (500 * sampleRate))) % 360;
y = (y + (15 * data[1] ~/ (500 * sampleRate))) % 360;
z = (z + (15 * data[2] ~/ (500 * sampleRate))) % 360;
print('$x, $y, $z');
// print('${(z.toDouble() / 500.0 * (1.0 / sampleRate.toDouble())) * 7.5}');
// print('${z.toDouble() / 500.0 * (1.0 / 10.0)}');
void resetAngles() {
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
InputDirection getInputDirection(ArrowDirection expect) {
inputDirection.up = z > 270 && z < 340;
inputDirection.down = z > 40 && z < 180;
inputDirection.left = y > 40 && y < 180;
inputDirection.right = y > 270 && y < 340;
if (expect == ArrowDirection.up && inputDirection.up ||
expect == ArrowDirection.down && inputDirection.down) {
y = 0;
if (expect == ArrowDirection.left && inputDirection.left ||
expect == ArrowDirection.right && inputDirection.right) {
z = 0;
return inputDirection;
Future<void> connectToESense(String deviceName) async {
if (!connected) {
await _askForPermissions();
print('Trying to connect to eSense device namend \'$deviceName\'');
eSenseDeviceName = deviceName;
eSenseManager.deviceName = deviceName;
bool connecting = await eSenseManager.connect();
'Trying to connect to eSense device namend \'${eSenseManager.deviceName}\'');
deviceStatus.value = connecting ? 'connecting...' : 'connection failed';