322 lines
7.9 KiB
322 lines
7.9 KiB
// Karlsruhe Institute of Technology theme for Typst slides.
// Based on the official Powerpoint Theme and Latex Template
// You don't need to edit this file. Only presentation.typ
// =========================================================
#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
#let _kit-outer-margin = 3mm
#let _kit-inner-margin = 11mm
#let _kit-top-margin = 10mm
#let _kit-bottom-margin = 11mm
#let kit-green = rgb(0, 150, 130)
#let kit-blue = rgb(70, 100, 170)
#let green = kit-green
#let blue = kit-blue
#let black70 = rgb(64, 64, 64)
#let brown = rgb(167, 130, 46)
#let purple = rgb(163, 16, 124)
#let cyan = rgb(35, 161, 224)
#let lime = rgb(140, 182, 60)
#let yellow = rgb(252, 229, 0)
#let orange = rgb(223, 155, 27)
#let red = rgb(162, 34, 35)
#let kit-title = state("kit-title", [])
#let kit-subtitle = state("kit-subtitle", [])
#let kit-short-title = state("kit-short-title", none)
#let kit-author = state("kit-author", [])
#let kit-short-author = state("kit-short-author", none)
#let kit-group-logo = state("kit-group-logo", none)
#let kit-institute = state("kit-institute", [])
#let kit-date = state("kit-date", none)
#let kit-show-page-count = state("kit-show-page-count", false)
// Helper functions
#let kit-logo(..rest) = context {
if text.lang == "de" {
image("/assets/kit/logo-de.svg", ..rest)
} else {
image("/assets/kit/logo-en.svg", ..rest)
#let kit-rounded-block(radius: 3mm, body) = {
radius: (
top-right: radius,
bottom-left: radius,
clip: true,
#let kit-list-marker = move(
dy: 0.125em,
radius: 0.15em,
// The latex documentclass uses a size of 1ex, but type only supports em.
width: 0.5em,
height: 0.5em,
fill: kit-green,
#let kit-theme(
title: none,
subtitle: none,
short-title: none,
author: none,
short-author: none,
language: "de",
group-logo: none,
institute: none,
date: none,
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
show-page-count: false,
) = {
if language not in ("en", "de") {
panic("Only English (en) and German (de) are currently supported")
set page(margin: 0pt, header-ascent: 0pt, footer-descent: 0pt)
// Use power point page sizes, as they differ from default typst page sizes.
set page(width: 25.4cm, height: 14.29cm) if aspect-ratio == "16-9"
set page(width: 25.4cm, height: 15.88cm) if aspect-ratio == "16-10"
set page(width: 25.4cm, height: 19.05cm) if aspect-ratio == "4-3"
if aspect-ratio not in ("16-9", "16-10", "4-3") {
panic("Unsupported aspect ratio")
set text(lang: language, font: ("Arial", "Helvetica", "Roboto"))
set list(marker: kit-list-marker)
if short-title == none {
} else {
if short-author == none {
} else {
// slides
#let title-slide(banner: none) = {
show: polylux-slide
if banner == none {
banner = image("/assets/kit/banner.jpg")
// Top half
pad(left: _kit-inner-margin, right: 6mm, top: _kit-top-margin)[
// KIT logo
#kit-logo(width: 45mm)
// Group logo
#block(width: 30mm, height: 30mm)[
#set image(width: 100%)
#context kit-group-logo.get()
// Title
#place(dy: 32mm, text(weight: "bold", size: 26pt, kit-title.display()))
// Subtitle
#place(dy: 44mm)[
#set text(weight: "bold", size: 18pt)
#set par(leading: 0.3em)
// Bottom half
pad(x: _kit-outer-margin)[
// Banner
#block(height: 60mm, below: 0pt)[
#kit-rounded-block(radius: 3mm)[
#set image(width: 100%, height: 100%)
// Footer
#block(height: _kit-bottom-margin, width: 100%)[
columns: (auto, 1fr),
#align(left + horizon)[
#block(height: 100%)[
#set text(size: 8pt)
#context {
if text.lang == "en" [
KIT - The Research University in the Helmholtz Association
] else if text.lang == "de" [
KIT - Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
right + horizon,
block(height: 100%)[
text("www.kit.edu", weight: "bold", size: 16.5pt),
#let slide(title: [], body) = {
// Title bar
let header = block(width: 100%, height: 100%, inset: (x: _kit-inner-margin))[
columns: (auto, 1fr),
#set text(24pt, weight: "bold")
// We need a block here to force the grid to take the full height of the surrounding block
#block(height: 100%)[
#align(left + bottom, title)
#align(right + bottom)[
#kit-logo(width: 30mm)
// Content block
let wrapped-body = block(
width: 100%,
height: 100%,
inset: (x: _kit-inner-margin, top: 15.5mm),
#set text(18pt)
// Default value, but had to be changed for layout
#set block(above: 1.2em)
// Footer
let footer = block(width: 100%, inset: (x: _kit-outer-margin))[
#set block(above: 0pt)
#set text(size: 9pt)
#line(stroke: rgb("#d8d8d8"), length: 100%)
#block(width: 100%, height: 100%)[
columns: (20mm, 30mm, 1fr, auto),
left: 6mm,
context if kit-show-page-count.get() [
] else [
[#kit-short-author.display() - #kit-short-title.display()],
align(right, kit-institute.display()),
set page(
header: header,
footer: footer,
margin: (top: 22.5mm, bottom: _kit-bottom-margin),
// This function is left here for backwards compatibility only. Please use #slide(side-by-side[][]) instead.
#let split-slide(title: [], body-left, body-right) = {
let body = grid(
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
gutter: 2em,
body-left, body-right,
slide(title: title, body)
#let kit-color-block(title: [], color: [], body) = {
// 80% is a rough heuristic, that produces the correct result for all predefined colors.
// Might be adjusted in the future
let title-color = if luma(color).components().at(0) >= 80% {
} else {
width: 100%,
inset: (x: 0.5em, top: 0.3em, bottom: 0.4em),
fill: gradient.linear(
(color, 0%),
(color, 87%),
(color.lighten(85%), 100%),
dir: ttb,
text(fill: title-color, title),
#set text(size: 15pt)
inset: 0.5em,
above: 0pt,
fill: color.lighten(85%),
width: 100%,
#let kit-info-block(title: [], body) = {
kit-color-block(title: title, color: kit-green, body)
#let kit-example-block(title: [], body) = {
kit-color-block(title: title, color: kit-blue, body)
#let kit-alert-block(title: [], body) = {
kit-color-block(title: title, color: red.lighten(10%), body)